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    The revolution of parking enforcement starts in Tampere

    Traffic warden Mikko Huikko. (Picture: Ville Hakonen, YLE)

    One specific line of work has been altered for good! The traffic wardens in Tampere, Finland, are now checking hundreds parked cars an hour using google glasses that immediately tell if the parking fee has been paid or not. The device that makes the wardens' work both faster and physically less demanding was developed in Tampere in cooperation between software house Vincit and innovation platform Demola

    The testing of the glasses started this January in Tampere but will be taken into use in several other Finnish cities this year. The glasses have also already raised international attention. Finnish broadcasting company YLE tells that Sweden and Australia have already been interested in the glasses but that this is just the start for the revolution of parking enforcement. 

    "Look out, Robocob. Here come the Tampere traffic wardens", says PSFK.

    Vincit's team, Google Glass for Traffic Warden, won best project and the best pitch award of Demola Tampere 2014 Autumn. See the details of the project here.


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