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    Ambassadors promote Tampere


    Last spring, Tampere Region Economic Development Agency Tredea launched the Tampere – All Bright! Ambassador network for people who want to promote the international visibility of the Tampere City Region as voluntary ambassadors. Wherever they go, the ambassadors in the network promote the region as a good place to live, work and study. A special goal is to promote the region as a business environment.

    Internationally oriented people, both Finns and foreigners who have moved to Finland, have joined the network, and there is still room for more people. The first Ambassador of the Year prize was awarded at December’s Twinkle 2015 event. It was awarded to Eashan Salhotra, who has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Tampere.

    “Finland will need exports to grow and I would like to see Tampere as one of the major centres of global business,” Salhotra writes in the Tampere – All Bright! Magazine blog.

    Another ambassador of the Tampere City Region, Business Development Manager Rogerio Da Conceicao, encourages companies to take advantage of the international experts living in the region. He also says that he has observed a great deal of willingness to help in the region.

    “If a company wants to invest here, if a person wants to move here – whatever the problem may be, there is someone either willing to lead you to the right direction, help you or be part of the solution,” says Da Conceicao.

    Watch the video interview of Rogerio Da Conceicao.

    Yuliya Nesterenko: Twinkle 2015 has changed my life

    What were your roles in Twinkle 2015?

    - I have started as a Marketing & PR volunteer, and eventually my role has switched to being a panelist in one of the Twinkle Dialogues and performer on the stage of Twinkle Shine with a poem that I wrote especially for the event.

    Why did you want to participate?

    - I believed in Twinkle. Its core idea of bringing people from different cultural and professional backgrounds is so open-minded, progressive and essential nowadays.

    What difference did Twinkle 2015 make in your life?

    - Twinkle 2015 has changed my life drastically. I have been able to build connections that would last for a lifetime, I have showcased my talents, I have discovered my true inner passions that I want to pursue in future career. I have got a chance to be a part of something bigger, a part of building future together with 100 other volunteers.

    Are you going to participate any Twinkle-related things in the future?

    - I’m indeed looking forward to participate in Twinkle 2016 to grow my dream of being a public speaker and work jointly with Tredea for the sake of making Tampere, Finland and whole Europe a step closer to being diverse, innovation-driven and open-minded.

    Your thoughts about Tampere Region?

    - Tampere is a truly international city. I have never felt so confident anywhere else. Here, no matter where I am coming from, I get acceptance from society and appreciation for my skills and competences. I say: “Tampere is the new black!” It’s a modern hub that connects Finland with other parts of the world.

    Yuliya Nesterenko is a Demola Facilitator & Digital Marketing Specialist at New Factory

    Read also Twinkle – international people on the move >

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