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    Innovation platform Demola


    Demola is an innovation platform that brings together innovative companies, universities and talented students from different fields of studies. In Demola, students collaborate with companies in 3,5 month projects in order to produce innovative solutions to real-world needs with agile methods instead of traditional R&D. Demola project always delivers a demo which can be presented in many different ways (concept, technical implementation, physical prototype etc). If the partner company finds the outcome useful, the company can license or purchase the outcome, and take it for further development.

    Demola project is a way to find fresh, useful solutions created by multidisciplinary student team. Demola Tampere carries out annually some 100 projects with 450 students. 60 % of the students are international. The partner companies have licensed 80 % of the project outputs and recruited 15 % of Demola’s students.


    In short, Demola is an international organization that facilitates co-creation projects between university students and companies, either locally or internationally. To be more specific, Demola is…

    a network that consists of various partners including universities, their faculties, researchers and students, as well as companies, local agencies and a growing number of Demola Centers around the globe. Not only are we international, we are interdisciplinary.

    a co-creation concept that is geared to solve real challenges. Every project has an outcome – be it a new concept, a demo, or a prototype. If the partner company finds the outcome useful, the company can license or purchase the outcome, and take it for further development.

    a process that is formatted and facilitated. The Demola process ensures that the work is systematic and runs on schedule. This way, the work itself can be as creative as possible, but the process keeps things under control both in terms of time and deliverable.

    a framework that makes is easy for partners to come in and cooperate. Each partner has a clear role, and the work is guided by simple procedures. Contracts, intellectual property rights, licensing models, and other legal requirements are in place and meet international business standards and practices.


    All pictures & photos: Demola

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