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    Finnish universities score high in an international comparison


    Finnish universities scored high in an international comparison on student satisfaction. Finland came second after Ireland in the comparison of European universities.

    Nordic universities maintain their reputation as the best places to study. Sweden and Denmark came third and fourth right after Finland. France fared the worst in the ranking.

    The results of the comparison are based on an annual survey conducted by the Dutch Study Portals website. Despite a slight decrease since last year, international student satisfaction continues to remain high in Europe, with 86% of students being satisfied with their study abroad experience.

    Nordic universities are highly esteemed because of their well-organised student services and high academic level. Students also appreciated the weather conditions but would have preferred slightly lower costs of living. The University of Gothenburg scored the highest points among the Nordic universities.

    Nordic students studying abroad are less satisfied than international students studying in Nordic universities. Finnish students report the lowest levels of satisfaction, possibly because they are used to higher standards of education, and could have higher expectations while studying abroad.

    Of the Finnish universities, Tampere University of Technology and the Universities of Helsinki, Oulu and Jyväskylä scored 9+ and rated “excellent”. Aalto University, Åbo Akademi University and the Universities of Eastern Finland, Tampere and Turku scored 8+ and rated “very good”.

    StudyPortals International Student Satisfaction Awards 2015

    Read also:
    "HEIs in Tampere move forward with plans to establish unique new university"
    "Tampere to become the most student-friendly city in Finland"

    Photo: Jonne Renvall

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