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    Multidisciplinary safety and security research

    Know-how to address the security challenges of a digitalising world


    The Tampere city region has internationally high-quality and multidisciplinary safety and security research. The 20 or so ongoing projects reflect the active and diverse research activities. In addition to academic and commercial research, the cluster serves as a door to a great deal of knowledge and expertise. Information enables innovations and innovations enable growing economic activity and a vibrant city region. Together, we can address the security challenges of a digitalising society and industry.

    Tampere University – Multidisciplinary research in safety and security

    Tampere University combines top-level, multidisciplinary and scientific research related to safety and security. Tampere University is one of the leading universities in Finland in industrial safety research and education based on it. Examples of topical themes include the safety of materials in the circular economy, the well-being of police officers and multi-professional cooperation in encounters with customers, the safety of multi-technical and autonomous systems, autonomous vehicles in underwater search and rescue, knowledge security, the impact of technology on security policy, the safety of indoor conditions of buildings and the safety of people, the environment and organisations.

    Researchers from Tampere University are members of many international security research networks, such as

    • the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s CE-profiled universities,
    • International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM),
    • AIS (Association of Information Systems),
    • Nordic Centre of Excellence in Security Technologies and Societal Values,
    • MEDLiE – Media Literacy and Education research group,
    • Transform network, European safety research network,
    • OPTUKE network, European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) and Osce network Think Thanks and Academic Institutions,
    • EuroMeSCo (Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission), IABP (International Association of Building Physics),
    • EGOLF European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing,
    • Inspection and Certification, CEN/TC 127 Building Fire Safety and CEN/TC 250/ SC3 – Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures.

    Top researchers at Tampere University are also members of the editorial boards of scientific journals related to safety and security, such as the editorial board of the Nordic Journal of Criminology.

    Europe’s leading research institute VTT tackles security challenges

    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the largest applied research and technology company in Finland and one of the leading research institutes in Europe. State-owned VTT provides technology and research services to both domestic and international companies and the public sector. The mission of VTT is to promote the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in business and society and to respond to the major societal challenges with the help of science and technology.

    VTT is a member of several security and defence networks, such as the EARTO Working Group for Security and Defence Research, the European Defence Research and Innovation Network (EDRIN) and the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO). VTT is an active member of the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (AFDA), the Rethinking Autonomy and Safety (RAAS) innovation ecosystem and the Scientific Advisory Board for Defence (MATINE).

    VTT’s research on security issues focuses on the opportunities created by new technologies, digitalisation and artificial intelligence to improve security in different sectors and to identify and prepare for new threats and disruptions.

    Ranta, V., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Ritala, P., & Mäkinen, S. J. (2018). Exploring institutional drivers and barriers of the circular economy: A cross-regional comparison of China, the US, and Europe. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 135, 70-82.

    Ellonen, N., Pitkänen, J., Aaltonen, M., Remes, H., Oksanen, A., & Martikainen, P. (2021). Does early drug use-related police contact predict premature mortality and morbidity: A population register-based study. Drug and Alcohol Review, tulossa.

    Villa, J., Vallicrosa, G., Aaltonen, J., Ridao, P., & Koskinen, K. (2021). Model-based Guidance, Navigation and Control architecture for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast IEEE.

    Villa Escusol, J., Taipalmaa, J., Gerasimenko, M., Pyattaev, A., Ukonaho, M., Zhang, H., Raitoharju, J., Passalis, N., Perttula, A., Aaltonen, J., Andreev, S., Aho, M., Virta, S., Gabbouj, M., Valkama, M., & Koskinen, K. (2020). aColor: Mechatronics, Machine Learning, and Communications in an Unmanned Surface Vehicle. Abstract from Transport Research Arena, Helsinki , Finland.

    Virta, S. (2020) Pre-crime and standardization of security risks. In Olsen, O.E. et al (eds) Standardization and Risk Governance. A Multi-disciplinary approach. Routledge New Security Studies. London. (kannattaako laittaa, jos julkaisua ei verkon yli maksutta saatavilla?)

    Honkatukia, Päivi & Lähde, Miia (2020) Navigating towards sustainable working life – young people imagining the technologised future of work. Journal of Youth Studies, DOI:10.1080/13676261.2020.1820971,

    Rättilä, Tiina & Honkatukia, Päivi (2021) Nuoret toimijoina ilmastonmuutoksen ja kestävän kehityksen politiikoissa. Nuorisotutkimus 39(2), pääkirjoitus. Toimitettu teemanumero.

    Reijo Kupiainen (2021) Miksi vastustamme tietoa? Tietoresistenssiin on monta syytä. Alusta, E-publication by The Faculty of Social Sciences at Tampere University.

    Swuste, P., Galera, A., Van Wassenhove, W., Carretero-Gómez, J., Arezes, P., Kivistö-Rahnasto, J., Forteza, J., Motet, G., Reyniers, K., Bergmans, A., Wenham, D., Van Den Broeke, C. 2021. Quality assessment of postgraduate safety education programs, current developments with examples of ten (post)graduate safety courses in Europe. SafetyScience,Vol 141,Septenber2021, 105338.

    Liljeroos-Cork, J., Mykkänen, M., Tappura, S. & Rikander, H. (2021). Turvallisuuden ja turvallisuusosaamisen johtaminen ammatillisissa oppilaitoksissa. Teoksessa: Puustinen Alisa (toim.), Pelastus- ja turvallisuustutkimuksen vuosikirja 2021. Pelastusopiston julkaisu D-sarja. Saatavilla:

    Liljeroos-Cork, J., Virta, S., Mykkänen, M., Tappura, S. & Rikander, H. (2020). Ammatillisten oppilaitosten opetushenkilöstön tiedolliset ja taidolliset turvallisuusvalmiudet. Työsuojelurahasto. Saatavilla:

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