The Tampere region is internationally renowned for smart mobile machinery and extensive ICT expertise, in particular. A long industrial history, strong ICT expertise, engineering know-how, manufacturing expertise and network combined with an active, high-quality research community make the Tampere region one of the best places in the world to develop smart machines. As digitalisation and networking increase, the requirements of security also grow more marked.
Safety and security are built into the processes, products and solutions in environments such as factories, ports, mines, forestry and energy production. In practice this means
- safety management
- work safety, health and wellbeing
- process safety
- industrial cyber security, secure remote communication services
- enterprise resource planning systems, and
- environmental safety
Ten global market leaders and more than 3,000 technology companies
Ten global market leaders intelligent machinery operate in Tampere city region, all with product development and innovation activities in the region, and almost all of them also have manufacturing there. Overall, the smart machinery sector of the Tampere city region includes more than 160 companies with a combined turnover of more than EUR 13 billion and 50,000 employees. The technology industry has 3,000 places of business in the Tampere region, which employ almost 35,000 people and generate a turnover of EUR 7.6 billion.
In networked, smart machines, the importance of security is emphasised
Modern work machines and processes that meet the needs of sustainable development utilise automation, digitalisation and artificial intelligence solutions to an increasing extent. The region’s strong ICT expertise and numerous leading companies in digitalisation provide excellent conditions for their development. The business field in the city region covers competence needs from sensors to AI, IoT and data analytics, computer vision and imaging solutions, predictive maintenance solutions, virtual reality opportunities, cybersecurity and data security.
Green transition of industry protects the environment for future generations
Finland aspires to be a global leader in the areas of hydrogen and circular economy, high value-added bioproducts, zero-emission energy systems and other climate and environmental solutions, as well as to improve energy efficiency and accelerate the switch to fossil-free transport and heating. Industry is at the forefront of promoting carbon neutrality through its own solutions. The carbon footprint and handprint have become the focus of industrial companies’ strategies and development work. The Tampere region has carried out long-term sustainable development work, which not only generates growth and innovation, but also helps protect the environment for future generations. Data plays a key role in measuring environmental impacts as well as in the development of innovations in the digital circular economy.
Example of expertise in the region: Tukes – authority promoting the safety of industrial activities
Tukes is a licensing and supervisory authority that promotes the safety and reliability of products, services and industrial activities. Tukes is a member of many national and international networks, such as SAF€RA, a European consortium that funds research and development in industrial safety.
Business Finland: Future Electrified Mobile Machines, 1/09/2021 → 31/08/2024
EU-H2020: Towards Improved Assessment of Safety Performance for Long-Term Operation of Nuclear Civil Engineering Structures, 1/09/2020 – 31/08/2024
EU-H2020: Dynamic coverage Extension and Distributed Intelligence for human Centric applications with assured security, privacy and trust: from 5G to 6G, 1/01/2021 – 31/12/2023
EU-H2020: Earth observation and Earth GNSS data acquisition and processing platform for safe, sustainable and cost-efficient mining operations, 1/05/2020 – 31/10/2023
Vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittely ja varastointi
Mittaamisesta lisäarvoa turvallisuuden johtamiseen
Työkalupakki turvallisuuden mittaamiseen – Safe Potential Toolbox
Anttila, J-P., Ruohomäki, I., Leino, S-P., & Rantanen, O. (2021). Valmistavan teollisuuden resilienssiä voi kehittää. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Tiusanen, R., Malm, T., Heikkilä, E., Sarsama, J., Alanen, J., & Ahonen, T. (2021). Safety engineering approaches and system analysis methods for autonomous mobile machinery. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Research Report No. VTT-R-00390-21
Heikkilä, J., Nissilä, M., Ylönen, M., Gotcheva, N., Tugnoli, A., Iaiani, M., Cozzani, V., Oliva, G., Setola, R., Assenza, G., van der Beek, D., Steijn, W., Young, H., & Roelofs, M. (2021). Guidelines: Integrated Management of Safety and Security Synergies in Seveso plants (SAF€RA 4STER). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Technology No. 385
Karanta, I., Helminen, A., Nissilä, M., Rossi, J., Tyrväinen, T., & Välisalo, T. (2021). Räjähdekohteiden kvantitatiivinen riskianalyysi ja sen hyödyntäminen päätöksenteossa. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Tutkimusraportti No. VTT-R-00119-21
Koskinen, H., Laarni, J., Norros, L., Liinasuo, M., & Savioja, P. (2021). Systems usability case in stepwise control room validation. Safety Science, 134, [105030].
Kaasinen, E., Aromaa, S., & Heikkilä, P. (2021). Teollinen työ muuttuu – yksilöllisiä työrooleja ihmisten ja koneiden muodostamissa tiimeissä. Automaatioväylä, 2021(3), 32-33.
Malm, T., Salmi, T., & Aaltonen, I. (2020). Yhteistyörobotit tulevat. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Tutkimusraportti No. VTT-R-00464-20
Uusitalo, T., Keränen, J., & Nissilä, M. (2020). Työturvallisuuskortin® kansainvälinen vertailu. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Asiakasraportti No. VTT-CR-00090-20