Cleantech and circular economy clusters in the Tampere region
Eco3 & Kolmenkulma
The 850-hectare Kolmenkulma business area is located at the border of Tampere, Nokia and Ylöjärvi. The area already features a great deal of business-to-business collaboration that promotes material and energy efficiency, reduces environmental burdens and promotes the emergence of shared environmentally-friendly operating models.
The Kolmenkulma area is located at a transport hub at the junction of highways 3, 11 and 12. The country’s second largest airport of Tampere-Pirkkala is just 10 minutes’ drive away. Two-thirds of Finland’s economic activity and population is within a two-hour drive.
A new kind of industrial-scale, multidisciplinary bio- and circular economy business area, ECO3, is being built in a location with excellent logistics potential in the Kolmenkulma business area. The area of independent companies will become a new creative ecosystem transcending traditional industry boundaries, where one person’s waste is another’s commodity. The nationally significant knowledge hub also serves as a demonstration and pilot environment, developed in cooperation with domestic and foreign companies and universities. Companies can collaborate, share resources, discover concepts, use platform services and gain shared visibility.
Distances from Kolmenkulma:
- Pori 100 km/62 miles
- Turku 160 km/99 miles
- Helsinki 180 km/111 miles
- Lahti 110 km/68 miles
- Jyväskylä 130 km/80 miles
More information:
Sakari Ermala, General Manager of Verte Oy
Pasi Kamppari, Land Manager at City of Tampere
Timo Isolähteenmäki, CEO at Ylöjärven Yrityspalvelu Oy
The Taraste area on the border between Tampere and Kangasala is evolving into a significant circular economy cluster in the region. The area includes Tammervoima’s waste-to-energy plant and Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy’s waste treatment centre.
The focus of the Tarastenjärvi area is on the recycling of material flows and bioeconomy. The Tarastenjärvi business area is located in the immediate vicinity of the waste treatment area and is connected to Tammervoima’s waste-to-energy plant. Space has also been reserved in the area for bioenergy producers and other activities where a central logistics location is important. Companies for which visibility and accessibility are important will be situated on either side of highway 9.
More information:
Petri Järvensivu, Managing Director of Tarasten Kiertotalousalue Oy
Business Kangasala
Pasi Kamppari, Land Manager at City of Tampere.
Hiedanranta is a future neighbourhood on the shores of Lake Näsijärvi, which is being developed in a new way in cooperation with the city residents, businesses, research institutes and communities, in accordance with smart and sustainable circular economy principles.
The area already serves as a pilot platform for new technologies and methods. The Hiedanranta development programme especially collaborates with companies whose development work is focused on digitality, sustainability, circular economy, energy or food production. The aim is to create activities and solutions that are also of international interest.
More information:
Reijo Väliharju, Project Development Director of the Hiedanranta Development Programme
Tiina Sahakari, Project Manager
The Marjamäki operating environment has a self-sufficient energy system that uses renewable energy sources, alternative electricity production methods and the latest technologies in the sector.
The LEMENE energy community in Lempäälä primarily uses solar energy and gaseous energy sources. Centralised energy reserves will be placed next to solar panel fields to balance production fluctuations and ensure the region’s power balance. The local production and distribution of energy to be achieved will improve the security of supply in the Marjamäki area. The operating environment will use combined heat and power production.
The new energy system to be built in Marjamäki includes, in addition to solar panel fields (2 + 2 MW) and gas engines (8.1 MW), fuel cells (130 kW) and batteries to back up momentary power fluctuations in the solar panel field. The solar panel systems will be located in the immediate vicinity of the industrial area.
More information:
Toni Laakso, CEO of Lempäälän Energia Oy
Contact us
Business Advisor, Circular Economy
+358 40 630 4840