There are several testing environments and platforms in the Tampere metropolitan area that companies and organizations can utilize. Platforms can be different operating environments, such as physical spaces, online services, meeting places, or events.
On this page, we have listed the mobility, 5G and IoT, AI, and security test platforms found in the Tampere region.
You can view the testbeds of industry, health technology, and construction, and circular economy on their own pages.
Test area for automation traffic offers companies opportunities to test new smart traffic services in an urban environment.
Organization: City of Tampere
Line: Traffic
Type: Neighborhood
The Hervanta test network is a private cloud-based LTE network built by Nokia.
Organization: Nokia
Line: 5G
Type: Building, area, network
A lighting control system will be built in the city district of Viinikka. The system will act as a platform for different kinds of sensors and controls, among other things.
Organization: City of Tampere
Line: 5G, IoT
Type: Building, area, network
The Hiertämö facility in Hiedanranta is provided for the temporary use of drone operators to support the development of drone technology and testing activities.
Organization: City of Tampere
Line: 5G
Type: Premises
In the extensive “deep-indoor” level network, which was built by Digita, various operators can further develop their IoT services.
Organization: City of Tampere
Line: 5G
Type: Building, area, network
Energy model and a browser-based application covering all apartment blocks in Tampere, which produces estimates of regional energy efficiency and potential for improving energy efficiency in each area.
Organization: City of Tampere, Sitowise
Line: AI
Type: Open data
Operational model by City of Tampere to bring together citizens, companies, other organizations, and experts to find solutions to meet challenges of the modern urban environment.
Organization: City of Tampere
Line: General
Type: Concepts, operating models, networks, programs, forums
SURE is aiming on furthering the security of the city and the everyday life of the citizens by developing and piloting smart security solutions.
Organization: City of Tampere, Tampereen University (TUNI), Business Tampere, Nokia, Insta, and Securitas
Line: Safety
Type: Concepts, operating models, networks, programs, forums
Senior business advisor, smart mobility
+358 500 456 636